California Drought

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This article discussed the major issues gardeners had in finding work, due to the drought that California has been under. It explains the struggles a gardening company had and how they had to let people go due to the lack of work. The company, "La Nina," lost about 20 to 25 percent of their business in just six months. The man being interviewed, Jamie Gonzales, explained how people he knew just gave up on gardening all together because of the lack of work. Jamie Gonzales has lost a total of 20 of his regular customers and those he still has have cut his hours by telling him to only come once a month. Overall, the article explained the effects a gardening company's business had with the California drought in high impact. I chose this article …show more content…

This article explained the difference between gardeners who are self-employed and gardeners who work for other people. Those workers who are self-employed and hire other people to work with them are seen as entrepreneurs, while those who work under the power of others are seen as exploited. The reason behind this is that those who are in charge of finding clients get paid more. Those who work for other people do not even earn the minimum wage, therefore they are seen as exploited workers. It went into detail about the different wages gardeners earned in a study done in 2007. Not only did this article discuss wages, but it also went into detail about different stereotypes gardeners face. It was a great article to include in my presentation because it shows the different struggles gardeners have to go through. I liked the examples that the author gave for the stereotypes, such as that they are all undocumented and that they do not speak English. When that is not the case all of the time, but it is something that everyone seems to assume, therefore it is important to make others realize that this is not entirely