Review Of Justo L. Gonzalez, Santa Bibli The Bible Through Hispanic Eyes

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Graeme Collett. Review of Justo L. Gonzalez, Santa Biblia: The Bible Through Hispanic Eyes (Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 1996). If one was judging this book by its cover, its appearance may draw a small viewing and its subtitle may limit its viewers. However if people overlooked what lay inside Gonzalez book “Santa Biblia: The Bible Through Hispanic Eyes”, they would completely miss out on a wealth of insight and knowledge. Gonzalez’s book is written through the lenses of the Hispanic/ Latino population. Though Gonzalez is not able to fully explain all the specifics of the entire Hispanic / Latino population when it comes to Christianity, he does a remarkable job painting a broad picture. Though this book is aimed at helping share …show more content…

One of the interesting scriptures Gonzalez writes about is the “Labors in the vineyard”. In this parable, people are hired on during different hours of the day, and at the end of the day each of them are paid the same amount. The ones who were hired earlier in the day argue about their common wage. Gonzalez writes about how those from the Hispanic / Latino culture understand this concept more than most people. They understand going out early in the morning and waiting to be chosen for work, and how some days they will work a whole day and others they will not work at all. Gonzalez writes the workers that have gone out to work early and were not hired still need the full days wage even though they were hired on later in the day. It was not there fault they were not hired on earlier, in fact Gonzalez writes about them having more resilience to wait around for a job (63). This idea, which Gonzalez writes, is real justice; where as the rest of our society might see it as a hand out. Common Justice, which Gonzalez writes is that which one, washes their hands of the responsibility. In other words workers get paid, and non-workers do not. Therefore those who are hired on later deserve less because they did not work a full days wage. Gonzalez writes it is from those living in poverty every day, that understand the need for the full days wage even though they entered the fields

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