Cultural Differences Between Judaism And Catholicism Co-Cultures

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Judaism and Catholicism Co-Cultures

Religion has always been a polemical topic in our society, we live in a world with different religions where we have to interact with people with other religion that ours. Here in Panama we have a variety of religions, such as the Hinduism, Judaism, Christianism, and more. Therefore, for this paper, I have chosen to write about Judaism and Catholicism Co-Cultures, that represents a big part of the Panamanian population. Both of these cultures are very similar and also very different at the same time. Many of the values and cultural differences have throughout time are still being practiced and are also a way of life for these people nowadays.

Let’s start by saying that the Judaism and Catholicism have …show more content…

It does not take faith to be Jewish, but to have been born in a Jewish family.
The way catholic families pass the religion is through baptism, Catholicism is more open at the moment of covert.
Also, another difference would be the food that the Jews and Catholics are allowed to eat, the Jews only can eat Kosher food; food and drink that complies with Jewish religious dietary law. In the other hand, the Catholics don’t have any law against any food, although they expect that you abstain from flesh meat on Friday, since Jesus sacrificed his flesh for us on Good Friday. But, like we know not all Jews eat just kosher food and not all Catholics deprive themselves from eat meat on Friday.
Catholics believe that salvation and eternal life are God's desires for the ones that believe in Him. You must believe that Jesus is the son of God, receive the sacraments such as baptism, confession and repent of your sins to please God. Regarding the central Jewish belief, dictates that they were chosen to follow the commandments of the One and True God. In return, God will take care of them. The Jewish believe in death and the afterlife, like Catholics