Comparative Essay On Christianity

1363 Words6 Pages

Araix Romero
Mr. McGowan
REL 2300

Hinduism and Christianity: A Comparative Analysis

Ever since the beginning of the world, ancient civilizations have sought greater meaning--leading to the creation of religions. Religions have since shaped civilizations throughout history, deeply influencing societal norms, ethical values, and cultural practices. Among some of the many religious traditions, Hinduism and Christianity have been some of the most influential and practiced belief systems. Hinduism, originating from the Indian subcontinent, can be seen as encompassing a diverse range of beliefs, rituals, and philosophies that have influenced the lives of millions around the world. Whereas Christianity emerged from the teaching of a man …show more content…

Rather than having a single founder, its exact creator remains unknown and is more of a combination of various beliefs. Although its exact origins are debated, most scholars believe that Hinduism originated in the Indus River Valley. According to this theory, the region had been invaded by nomadic people who introduced texts named Vedas. These texts were said to have been divinely revealed to Hindu saints known as rishis, and they served as the foundation for the religion. This is a large overlap between Hinduism and Christianity, as both religions’ sacred scriptures were assisted by a divine force. With Christianity, the development of the Bible was a result of oral tradition and stories being passed on by generations and the guidance of the Apostles by the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, The Ten Commandments were also revealed to Moses by God and led to the essential rules within Christianity. Hinduism has expanded with more sacred texts ever since the introduction of the Vedas. Texts like the Upanishads are philosophical treatises with the aim to delve into the nature of reality, the self, and the ultimate truth of their believed supreme divinity, …show more content…

The concept of dharma encompasses people’s ethical duties, moral principles, and social responsibilities. This acts as a religious and moral law that controls an individual’s actions. One of the ways one can hold true to their dharma is with the worship of deities. In Christianity, worshipping deities can be seen as worshiping others and false idolatry and is not practiced. Yet in Hinduism, they acknowledge Brahman as the supreme divinity but have a vast pantheon of gods and goddesses that each represent different aspects of the divine, embodying different qualities and powers. This allows for diverse religious practices and beliefs that are specifically catered to individual followers’ spiritual needs. It is up to an individual to choose the deities to worship, having specific devotional practices, rituals, and ceremonies dedicated to them. The polytheistic nature of this religion promotes a multifaceted nature of the divine; believing that different deities can promote guidance, protection, and blessing in a follower’s life. The belief in multiple gods and goddesses shows a principal concept of Hinduism, interconnectedness. This is acknowledging that all beings, and elements are interconnected and work with a greater cosmic order. According to Hindu philosophy, every individual is connected to the divine and to each other--highlighting the