Thematic Essay On Hinduism

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Hinduism is very unique when you compare it to the world’s religions in the sense that it has no individual founder which is not the case for Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Hinduism is also quite multifarious in its core traditions, and is a complex amalgamation of many spiritual processes woven together. This amalgamation was traditionally called Sanatana Dharma, the “Universal Law”. Sanatana Dharma was not something universal but actually was saying each person has an individual law for themselves. You can choose whatever path you wish to follow to find the ultimate being. Hindus have a wide variety of core beliefs and exist in many different sects. These are all tied to Hinduism but each one is different from each other. Different traditions of Hinduism have different theistic views, and these views have been described by scholars as …show more content…

The word monotheism comes from the Greek monos which means one and theos which means god. Most monotheistic systems tend to not only believe in and worship a single god, but they also deny the existence of the gods of any other religious faiths. Usually Atheism is used to contradict Monotheism since Atheism is in a broad sense the rejection of the belief of any God. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no Gods whatsoever and they believe we were merely coincidental. This is why atheism is contrasted with monotheism.
An agnostic is somebody who does not claim to know if a God exists or does not exist no matter what the reasoning or approach on the question of God. They are basically skeptics on the subject of deities. A good example on explaining this is the difference between atheism and agnosticism. Atheists do not believe in any deities and Agnostics merely do not know if there are deities or not. They are distinctly different than atheists and they do not know if there is a God or not and are fine either way it