
False Stereotypes About Catholics

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All the False Stereotypes about Catholicism Catholics have always been stereotyped for having “different beliefs”, but in reality their beliefs are the same as all Christians. Non-catholics have claimed “Catholics aren’t Christians”, or “Catholics want Jesus back on the cross”, but let me tell you not to believe these because they are completely false. All of these false accusations mostly started from Martin Luther’s famous, “95 Theses”. People just need to read the Bible and scriptures to be able to understand the statements they make are false. Finally, all Catholics stereotypes are false and can be proven by scripture and the Bible. First, many people create stereotypes such as “Catholics aren’t Christians, and Catholics make up books of the Bible”, but these are all false. For example, I interview Blake Yelton and he stated, “Catholics just worship Mary and read the Bible” (Blake Yelton). This statement is not true because …show more content…

People say Catholics only follow traditions, but they also follow scripture and this is because scripture states, “I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I have delivered them to you” (1 Corinthians 11:2). This verse is when Paul is commending Corinthians to maintain traditions that has been passed on. Also, people don’t understand the reasoning behind Catholics confessing their sins to the priest and don’t believe that people should confess their sins to other people. “Your Questions About Catholicism” explains it perfectly when stating, “In Matthew, chapter 9, verse 6, Jesus tells us that He was given authority on earth to forgive sins. And then Scripture proceeds to tell us, in verse 8, that this authority was given to “men”…plural” (Catholics Come Home). Finally, if people would read the Bible they wouldn’t be able to make all these false

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