Mexican Americans Subculture

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1. Who is this subculture group? Where are they from? The Mexican Americans are a population of Spanish speaking individuals whom inhabit an area of Southern Texas named Hidalgo County. This cultural group often refers to themselves as being “true Texans” while referring to those individuals who speak English as being outsiders. The Mexican American population is comprised of a myriad of different statuses. Many families have resided in this area since Spanish American first began to migrate and settle here. The lower class arrived in Texas along with Indian and Mexican immigrants to go to work on a Spanish ranch. Others more recently attained their status as citizens here after migrating from Mexico to the United States. Some of the population …show more content…

These individuals are the Braceros. They enter the United States lawfully and are well regarded by Anglo’s for their hard work and trade. However, these individuals are not liked Mexican Americans as it is believed by Merchant’s that they will take the money they gain from their employment back home with them instead of buying things while they are in Texas, thereby hindering the local economy. Also, domestic employees oppose the employment of Braceros in Texas because the believe the Braceros present a threat to their being able to make a living for themselves as well as their …show more content…

Although the two ethnic groups which make up the Mexican Americans are similar, each group possesses different traits which differentiate them from each other. One clear difference between the two groups is that Mexican Americans oppose the influence of Anglos and their view of being having a superior standing above that of the Mexican Americans. Also, Anglos view the furthering of the educational levels of the Mexican Americans as being as having a detrimental impact, which would be pushing Anglo’s out of jobs and then hiring the Mexican Americans to replace them, often at lower paygrades. Geographically speaking, there are differences as well. For instance, Anglo’s primarily speak English while the Mexican Americans predominately speak Spanish. In terms of living conditions, Anglo residences are often well constructed and contain more “luxury” type amenities such as laundry facilities, air conditioning, a nice yard, and gardens. In contrast, on the Mexican American side of town, residences are more basic. For instance, a Mexican American home is more cheaply built and thus less sturdy, often having weaker frames and having yards which are bare and lack