California Gold Rush Of 1849: The Legendary Movement

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California Gold Rush of 1849: The Legendary Movement The California Gold Rush was a legendary movement that occurred in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s when James Mar-shall discovered gold at Sutter Mill later causing thousands of people to migrate from all over the world to California. Miners during the gold rush had a very tough life. Gold was not very common considering it was a gold rush. Supplies were very expensive in the area. There was not much technology in the time period causing some gold to be left behind. Working as a gold miner in the gold rush required much movement throughout the state of California. The Forty-Niners had very many mining groups that rotated through hundreds of gold spots that were each miles and miles apart. …show more content…

The journey distance was about 2,200 miles in total that those forty-niners had to make. Although in the United States the change in economy’s transport system with emerging industrial technology such as steam boats, and railroads, the only traces of modern industry were firearms. Thus meaning the forty-niners had to do every-thing on foot or relied on the draught animals such as horses, donkeys, ox, etc. (Aretha 51). Foods that lasted them a while included beef jerky, canned meat, raisins, dried beans, and flour. Some would go out and hunt for their food. Also causing diseases was polluted water. Miners would dig toilet pits too close to the river causing water supply to be dirty. During rainy season, many of miners would get wet and sick. Many dis-eases included tuberculosis, typhoid, small pox, and cholera. Many of these diseases left miners severely ill and to eventu-ally die. Many of these diseases tore families apart (Aretha …show more content…

Thousands of people came to California in look for gold and Braman had thousands of tools to sell. In the beginning of the California gold rush in 1848, thousands and thousands of people came from all over the world. It was described as migration towards California. Mar-shall was the man to make the discovery of gold in January. The news of gold brought people like prospectors, immigrants and new technology that would become known as the Golden State and fostered an entrepreneurial vibe that still exists today. The gold rush was said to be the first event in modern world history. It was known as the event that instantly had a great effect on nearly everybody (Elder