Calorimetry Lab Report Essay

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The copper content of U.S. pennies has declined over the years due to rising prices. The expensive metal makes up just 2.5 percent of one-cent pieces minted in 1982 or later; nickels, dimes and quarters, on the other hand, are mainly composed of copper. Still, today’s pennies cost more than their face value—an estimated 1.8 cents each—to produce. In this lab, we analyzed penny mass to determine patterns between the masses. We came up with 30 different pennies and split them into trials. We ]hypothesized that the more pennies that were added will create a greater volume.

Material and Methods

Lay out supplies
Fill graduated cylinders to 20 mL each
Weigh penny trials on weigh boats and balance
First trial put 5 pennies in the …show more content…

The slight increase changes in mass were due to the increase of pennies. The property of density which is independent of the amount or size of the material used to find out what actually caused the change in mass. The slope of linear fits for the mass and volume graph gives us the average density for the pennies. The hypothesis was accepted because the data supports that the more pennies added increased the volume.

The laboratory experiment worked very well. With following the procedure, the experiment was completed very easily. The technique used worked very well. The graduated cylinder were dried after each trial to ensure each water level was equal. The air bubble were risen to the top to ensure the equal amount was measured.

Systematic errors can not be eliminated by averaging In principle, they can always be eliminated by changing the way in which the experiment was done. In actual fact though, you may not even know that the error exists. Some systematic error that occurred in this was density depends on temperature. The temperature was not specified or controlled. Random errors are chances in variation in the measurement over which you as experimenter have little or no control. Some errors were slight variations in the level of your eye while reading the meniscus in the graduated cylinder vibration in the floor or air currents that cause fluctuation in the

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