Calypso's Island In The Odyssey

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In the Odyssey, Odysseus, the wife of Penelope and King of Ithaka, has been lost for many years after the Trojan War. Almost everyone believes he is dead, but Penelope and his now older son Telemachos, get news from the goddess Athena. She tells them both to go looking for news of Odysseus, and so Telemachus leaves Ithaka. He travels around as soon Telemachos finds out that his father is trapped Calypso 's island. Odysseus has upset Poseidon the god of the sea, and as his punishment he keeps getting blown off course. Odysseus has spent the last 7 years of his journey, on Calypso’s island. Unlike so many of the places he has gone to, on Calypso’s island, him and his companions are treated with hospitality. It is beautiful and luxurious and a nice break from what they have been going through and the death and destruction they come upon at every turn.
Calypso Island is isolated, pristine, feminine and just waiting for her Odysseus to share with her immortal paradise. This island has an irresistible beauty that will hook you even from far away. The natural wonder of this island is truly enchanting and the view from Calypso is incomparable. Stepping on …show more content…

Odysseus lands on Ogygia, which is Kalypso 's island. When she found Odysseus, Calypso fell in love with him, as he is handsome and brave and the hero of the story. He stays with her on her beautiful island for 7 years, and although he had two sons with Kalypso and she tried to bribe him with immortality, Odysseus wanted to return home to his family of Penelope and Telemachus in Ithaca. Athena was able to rescued Odysseus from Ogygia by having Zeus send Hermes with the message that he should return home. Kalypso helps him build a raft and lets him leave for Ithaca. Eventually he does return home finally meeting with his son and wife, and he is able to be at peace as he has finally returned to his throne in Ithaca, and his long journey is