Camden Street Swot Analysis

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The above image depicts Camden street in the present day. From Thom’s directories I will compare and contrast the changing geography of this street. From contrasting Camden Street from 1912-1972, it is evident that over this 60 year period, a lot of shops have changed in order to keep up with consumer demands and the changing society. In 1912, there were draperies, merchant stores, victuallers, pharmacies, and grocers. The interesting thing about 1912, is how similar businesses are situated very close to one another, for example one bar is beside another. However, competition between businesses would not have been as high in comparison to today’s society. In the modern society businesses tend not to set up the same merchandise next to one another, as this will lead to huge completion and perhaps a loss in profits. There is not much change in the ten years between 1912 and 1922. Some of the names of the people who are running the businesses change, this could be due to the fact that the …show more content…

By looking at this street we can see how the building still remains to be old-styled buildings. Most of the buildings have apartments or flats on top. A lot of shops have these as a form of income to the business or perhaps to live there themselves. From looking at Thom’s directories from 1912 to 1972, there were a lot of grocer, tea, wine shops and also pubs. People within the dairy businesses tended to survive a lot longer than for instance pork butchers. This may be due to too many butchers being opened in such a small proximity. By comparing the different directories it is clear that the businesses which changed every 10 years ended up becoming vacant. Perhaps the demand for these businesses was not needed. Some businesses have been demolished or refurnished. However a lot of shops along Wexford Street have been closed down and are lying vacant as due to the Economic crisis, people no longer have the finances to invest in a