
Camera Techniques In The Matrix

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When technology, philosophy, and impressive action shots come together, a brilliant, technologically achieving movie is bound to be a product. The Matrix is just that. The action-packed sci-fi flick is not only an innovative film of its time but a rather big money maker. The film its self is about Neo, a hacker who just so happens to be the One, learning of the Matrix from a man named Morpheus and finding himself in the ‘real world’ instead of the fantasy that is the Matrix. The story, though might not be all too original, has many fighting scenes to showcase the camera techniques as well as many special effects, as well as the film its self-making a good amount more than its budget. So, The Matrix is one of the best technologically and economically because of the money it made at the box office and grossed in total, the innovative techniques and effects used, and the impact it left and continues to leave on future film directors.
Firstly, The Matrix has made a good amount …show more content…

First of all, one important and well-known effect that The Matrix is known and credited for starting is a technique known as bullet time. Multiple scenes use this technique, such as in the very beginning when Trinity fights off a group of officers trying to capture her, as well as the scene where Neo dodges multiple bullets being shot at him from Agent Smith on the rooftop. Bob Rehak remarks in his article, “The Migration of Forms: Bullet Time as a Microgenre,” “These breathtaking moments marked the debut of bullet time, or what a friend of mine calls “a romanticization of the pause,””(26). The Matrix was the first to use and master this effect, but it is definitely not the last. It shows some of the innovation of the film as it, in a sense, created the new technique. Not only that, but The Matrix won many awards further proving its advancement. For example, Bob Rehak further

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