Blade Runner: Cult-Classic 1982 Film

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A sequel 35 years in the making, Blade Runner 2049 builds off the cult-classic 1982 film, Blade Runner. The 2017 film brings forward the concepts of self-identity, life, humanity, and the soul. Although this film did not meet expectations in the box office, the key elements of this film make it worthy of being on ones “must watch list.” The first defining element of the film lies in the story (plot), while connected to the 1982 film, the story branches out with its own ideals and purpose. The second defining element is the characters and actors who portray them. Ryan Gosling is perfectly suited to his character, Agent K, where he embodies the warm-bodied robot of the time, joined by Harrison Ford, in his return role as Rick Deckard. Lastly, the most crucial element in this film, is the visuals. The combination of cinematography and special effects tell a complete story with stunning imagery.

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James Berardinelli’s review of the movie and Fords performance, summed it up perfectly.

In Blade Runner, Deckard was already world-weary. The last thing he wanted was to chase down Roy Batty and his cohorts. Here, Ford plays the character as an even more cynical, embittered individual. This represents one of the actor’s career-best performances. Often, he has gotten by on charm and charisma. Here, he has to delve deep to bring out Deckard’s soul. (Berardinelli)

Ford’s character Rick Deckard makes a late appearance in the film, when Agent K tracks down Deckard the story begins to unravel as truth rises to the surface. As a long-time fan of Harrison Ford, I found his aging gruff character highly entertaining, while one gets to see a little comedic relief as these two male leads battle it out on the screen. As with Goslings character, we get to see a softer side in Deckard, as he relives the past up to the present moment in the