Cameron Todd Willingham Case Study

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Cameron Todd Willingham was put to death for killing his girls, by setting the house on fire purposely in Corsicana, Texas. The arson inspector’s findings were that the house was purposely set on fire due to lab tests and burn patterns. Willingham was put to death at the Texas State Penitentiary in February 2009. The Texas Forensic Science Commission determined that the local and state arson investigators used “flawed science” when the fire was labeled as arson. Experts stated that the findings were careless (Ryan 261-313). Willingham’s cousins were in shock and disbelief about the case, so they inquired that another arson investigator, Dr. Gerald Hurst, to investigate the evidence again. Even though there was new evidence in the case, it spread uncertainty on Willingham’s guilt. However, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles refused to give him mercy on February 13, 2004. The Innocence Project did not make themselves aware of Dr. Hurt’s reports. According to Megan J. Ryan, the Innocence Project stated: [T]his lack of action indicates that in the days and hours before Willingham was executed, the Governor’s Office and the Board of Pardons and Paroles ignored critical expert analysis – new scientific information – that casts serious doubt on whether the …show more content…

Furthermore, it was not clear when this problem would be determined; because Judge Baird, the judge presiding over the case had since retired in 2010. Judge Karen Sage took the case, and on December 9, 2011, and January 9, 2012, everyone involved in the party were to give the Judge reports concerning the case. Cameron Willingham’s wrongful death may be in progress. If the Court of Inquiry decides that Cameron Willingham is not guilty of killing his daughters, this will be the first case in America in which a person put to death would be cleared (Ryan 261-313). His case is ongoing at this

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