Campaign Fundraising Letter: Sheriff Of Vance County

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Campaign Fundraising Letter In July of 2017, after speaking to several leaders in the Vance County community and after prayerful consideration and family discussions, I decided to take a leap of faith and run for the position of Sheriff of Vance Co. The people of this county deserve the opportunity to choose a viable candidate that has the best interest of the people at heart. While there are sure to be some challenges and obstacles, most of my life has involved many struggles in which I preserved and overcome. This is the same tenacity I will use when it comes to the work of being elected the peoples choice for the next Sheriff of Vance County. My family and I feel that the time has come for me to offer myself as a servant in the public …show more content…

Many of these changes are to the detriment rather than the good. Many within this community are hurting as a result of increasing crime and the effects it leaves upon victims and the quality of life being destroyed throughout the county. I have a detailed plan for this county that I will use to build a strong sheriff’s office. This will include but not limited to the use of modern techniques and technology to help the deputies accomplish the rigors of modern day policing in an ever-changing society. Furthermore, I am committed to reducing the horrendous evils of the drug and violent gang problems that are destroying the young lives in our county. The citizens of Vance County deserve the right to live free from fear. If elected Sheriff I will refocus efforts on changing the antiquated practices of the past which were ineffective, and bring the Vance Couty Sherrif Office into the 21st …show more content…

Nevertheless, due to the peculiar layout of Vance County and the cost to campaign the territory, I am appealing to the citizens who want a change. To be successful in this endeavor it will take a very strong and dedicated grassroots organization. I believe the voters of Vance County will step forward with my family in a united volunteer effort. As you may have guessed my children are already hard at work designing flyers and building winning strategies of their own. All three have volunteered to help knock on doors, place yard signs and of course, participate in upcoming campaign events. With thousands of brochures to purchase, hundreds of yard signs to order, scores of radio ads to place, and Vance County to cover, I will need help. I am turning to the people who have known me the longest, who know me the best and humbly invite you to get involved in my campaign and help make a difference. Your early contribution, made payable to “Allen D. Simmons for Vance County Sheriff” will give our race a tremendous boost right out of the starting

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