Importance Of National Security

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Safety of our citizens is of utmost importance in creating a robust society. Building sustainable communities that are inclusive, secure and sensitive to needs of the citizens will continue to be of national priority. However, over the years, crime has stymied this endeavour.

There must be a commitment to ensuring safety, security and justice for all citizens, which are seen as moral rights and intrinsic to development. Good policing, targeted social interventions and an efficient judicial system are needed to help our nation thrive. In accomplishing this mission, prevention is the first imperative of justice. Crime prevention, however, is a multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary, and integrated endeavour.

The term National Security must be viewed in its broadest context in that it is more than just dealing with military threats. It must be viewed as safety from chronic threats and protection from sudden disruptions in the patterns of daily life. National Security in the 21st Century will encompass threats ranging from fraud, corruption, illegal migration, transnational crime and environmental degradation. One could consider seven broad subject areas of focus, economic security, food security, health and environment security, personal security and community security. The new threats to national security will come from emerging issues like terrorism, oil and gas depletion, environmental concerns, including climatic alterations, HIV/AIDS and over-population.
National Security