Camping Trip Short Story

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INT. ROOM - EARLY MORNING The sunlight shines through HAROLD 'S window, as he 's packing his things for his camping trip with his friends Harold 's excited as he packs having the urge to leave right away without anything. HAROLD Man! I can 't wait for our camping trip oh we 're going to have so much fun, me and the guys Walks over to his packing bag with the last of his stuff HAROLD (CONT’D) (Sighs) I Can’t wait! He repeats 5 times Well time to go gotta meet up with the guys as he grabs his bag and heads out his door. Harold jumps into his car and starts the car and heads out his driveway HAROLD (V.O.) Man can’t wait we 're going to have so much fun and catching up to do with one another. MONTAGE HAROLD is pulling up to a parking ground in the park He sees his friends cars but doesn’t see his friends anywhere around He looks around and begins to walk towards the car When he gets close to his friends (JOE) car he hears a loud scream and a figure pop up at him He jumps back falling to the ground He recognizes it is his friends, they’re laughing at him and he joins in the laugh INTERCUT BETWEEN HAROLD AND HIS FRIENDS Harold gets up and cleans himself off His friends are still laughing at him He says ok you got me His friends get up and wipe their tears off from laughing to hard HAROLD ` (Laughing) You guys are such jerks man i hate you guys but have to admit it was pretty funny you guys made me almost have a heart attack.