Campus Carry Law Case Study

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In recent years, there has been a large increase of shootings across college campuses in the United States. In 2007, a lone student shot and killed thirty-three people and wounded another seventeen at Virginia Tech University. The event marked one of the deadliest shootings to happen on a college campus. Although this occurrence was the not the first, it shed major light on the violence happening on college campuses. In 2012, Steven Kazmierczak, a former student entered Northern Illinois University where he killed five students and wounded sixteen others. In the past few months, there have been three shootings on college campuses. As a result, over fifteen students and faculty have been killed. (Chicago Tribune, 2015)
These circumstances have …show more content…

states to allow concealed handguns on college campuses. The campus carry law will go into effect on August 1, 2016. It will be the 50th year anniversary of one of the first mass murders on a college campus. University of Texas had the second worst collage campus shooting. On August 1, 1966 Charles Joseph Whitman killed 14 people and injured 32 others (Barr, 2015). Allison Peregory who is a chairman of the Young Conservatives of Texas and works with the national organization Students for Concealed Carry on the UT campus, stated "I don't think UT will suddenly become the 'Wild West' with open carry and guns flying" (Morris, 2015). University of Texas has had concealed carry on their campus for the last 20 years. The college is very familiar with it, but with the new law it will allow concealed weapons in buildings as …show more content…

Welch argued that people shouldn’t make stereotypical depictions of college campus life. She stated that people shouldn’t make frightening expectations about the threat of mixing alcohol and gun. She goes on to say that the activities such as drinking that are associated with college life does not take place in lecture halls. These types of activities almost always take place off campus. She believes that the same tested, trained, licensed adults who carry guns to shopping malls, restaurants, churches and banks should be allowed to carry on