Arguments Against Campus Carry

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Campus Carry

Should teachers and students be allowed to carry guns on campus? It would decrease the probability of a school shooting and if one does happen they can intervene quicker. Staff and students should be allowed to get a special permit to carry on college campuses. Today’s staff and students are responsible enough to carry on college campus. Professional staff and some students are above the age of twenty-one which is the legal age to carry. They have to go through many background checks, fingerprints, mental evaluations, and some levels of training to even get the permit so they have to be responsible and yet professionals still cannot carry on college campuses. The older students and staff are also more likely to think through …show more content…

It would make schools a safer place, it makes it so people can intervene before the police get there, and show that American’s staff and students are responsible enough to carry on college campuses. Think about college campus carry what it could do for the future.

Common Arguments Against Campus Carry. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from
Flock, E. (2013, June 25). STUDY: Using Guns for Defense Leads to Fewer Injuries. Retrieved April 17, 2017, from
Hoffman, G. (2012, December 19). Teachers Should Be Allowed to Carry Firearms. Retrieved April 17, 2017, from
Pratt, L. (2012, April 25). Open Carry Deters Crime. Retrieved April 17, 2017, from
Wagoner, C. (2015, 30 Aug). Concealed weapons will make campuses safer. Gainesville Sun Retrieved from