Disadvantages Of Concealed Carry On Campus

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Walking back from a late night in the library, and another student approaches a student with a gun attached to their side. How could anyone ever feel safe if this was the norm? Concealed carry jeopardizes the life of each person on campus and portrays campus as a dangerous place to students and faculty. Not only that but much safer and more ideal alternatives are accessible to students. Although concealed carry is very advantageous in the scene of dangerous situations, college campuses are secured with police and medical personnel who are far more experienced with dangerous situations. There is a time and place for everything; hallways and classrooms are not the place for guns (Alford). Adding firearms to the everyday life of a college student would worsen safety issues on campus instead of fixing them. The first reason to not allow guns on campus most importantly is it places lives in jeopardy and makes campus a dangerous place. Students from all over the world attend a certain college to learn and begin the next step of their lives. They should not have to fear for their life. Allowing firearms on campus would lead to an escalation in violent crime. For example, an argument among students on campus may escalate quickly …show more content…

Campus safety, potential plummet in academic success, and the numerous alternatives to handguns are all prime examples why concealed carry should not be permitted on college campuses. Keeping college campuses gun free will allow students to attend classes and walk back to their dorms without any fear for their lives. Allowing firearms on campus only destroys the entire campus lifestyle and environment. Guns are a very dangerous weapon and should be kept out of the hands of people who are not capable of handling the power. Placing an embargo on concealed carry will benefit every person in making their lives safer while at