Gun Free Zone Essay

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A gun free zone is identified by federal laws, state laws, and sometimes even local policies. Due to the nature of this paper being about firearms on campus, the focus for legality will be school zones. The federal government has established a definition for a school zone under United States Code (U.S.C.) Title 18 in Chapter 44 Section 921 (a) (25) “The term “school zone” means – (A) in, or on the grounds of, a public, parochial or private school; or (B) within a distance of 1,000 feet from the grounds of a public, parochial or private school.” The term “school” is defined in Section 921 (a) (26) as “a school which provides elementary or secondary education, as determined under state law.” State laws are a little different, for example North Carolina uses General Statute 14-269.2 to cover weapons on campus or other educational property. Section (a) (1) covers educational property which includes school buildings, busses, campus, grounds, recreational areas, athletic fields, or anything owned or used by a board of education or school board of trustees, or directors for the administration of any school. In section (a) (1b) a school is defined as “a public or private school, community college, college, or university.” This means that the states can make it more stringent for definitions. In order to make a …show more content…

The only way to restrict firearms on elementary and secondary campuses is to restrict the carrying of firearms. There are two predominant ways to restrict firearms on college campuses. The two approaches as stated in Guns on Campus: A History, are “prohibition in dorms and university-owned housing (on campus and off) and prohibition on carrying weapons on campus (Guns on Campus: A History, 201, p.413). There are many reasons that organizations and people argue for these restrictions to be in place on campus. The other side is trying to argue that the second amendment provides that all persons should be able to “keep and bear arms” including on