Guns On Campus Research Paper

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Guns on Campus
Imagine participating with classmates while a professor is lecturing, then hearing a gun discharge, following cries for help from a window, at that moment all hiding; eyes closed hoping no one else is next, wishing for any means of self-protection. Possibly a scene from any of the campuses where mass shootings have occurred. During the Virginia Tech massacre, 32 students were tragically slain and at Florida State University three students were injured within the school’s library by a gunman until the campus police were able to shot and kill the gunman. Most disasters could be avoided if the campus had adequate security, honored the Second Amendment and if the students were prepared for these types of incidents.
Most colleges have over a thousand attendees per year, …show more content…

In events like Virginia Tech, Florida State University students were left to be self-reliant looking for protection while confused in a panic due to not having any standard contingency plan, for such a situation. Think, of leaving an evening class walking along the poorly lit sidewalk entering the same parking lot that was once full, of movement and light, and it is now lonely, filled with darkness and cold, growing apprehensive as a shadow lurk in the distance. Suddenly, another person jumps out in front of you, immediately threatening with force. Before reacting, a robbery has happened, this scary scenario is a reality for college students that have faced these types of situations. Early 2015 Georgia Gwinnett College had different students being attacked while leaving campus. Maily Gilory, an advocate for students to legally carry concealed weapons, believes it is a means of self-defense. She and many others argue that a concealed carry policy will allow individuals to fight back against violent crimes, shootings, rapes, or other crimes that occur on