According to Kenzie Kesselring, allowing guns on college campuses is a horrible idea. Not only is dangerous to college students’ well-being, but it also threatens the institution of collegiate learning altogether (Stroud, K.). Moreover, open gun carry can make students fearful for their safety; they will no longer be comfortable debating or being themselves. Some students might even be distracted knowing that at any moment someone in their classroom could be legally carrying a gun. Would you feel safe sitting next to somebody who holds a gun?
If somone in all these cases of college shooting or any school shooting if one person had a gun and stopped the guy then there would be less people dead and less injured. Guns in school a good idea what about having guns in military recruiting
The right of open carry was granted by the constitution therefore there is no law that prohibits the carrying of arms if it is used as self-defense. Since this right is protected, many public colleges started to allow the right of open carry on their campuses because they claim that by being armed criminals
At the University of Northern Arizona in October of 2015 Steven Jones came to school and shot four students and killed one. He was charged with first degree murder. Now imagine you were a student at that school wouldn't you want a student or teacher to be able to stop the shooter before it got this far? College Students in the United States should be aloud to conceal carry on campus. Concealed weapons on campus would help protect colleges in the U.S. by having armed students and staff on campus.
It states that our nation was in one of the worst spasms of violence with guns alone at colleges. This article also states that over the past few years, almost fifteen states have made it a whole lot easier for teachers, students and even administrators to carry concealed weapons on campus. Starting in August of 2016, Texas Lawmakers are going to make carrying a concealed weapon on campus legal. The main point I get from this article is that everyone thinks that the law enforcement should be the only ones to be able to carry concealed weapons on or around college
(Smith, T.N. 2012) The students and staff while on campus who are protecting themselves or another should not be subject to arrest or be punished for a crime. Students need to properly educate the public on the benefits of carrying guns on the campus. By states not allowing guns on campus it is making a target for the shootings. Research says there are more rapes, assaults, and robberies than killings.
The only way to restrict firearms on elementary and secondary campuses is to restrict the carrying of firearms. There are two predominant ways to restrict firearms on college campuses. The two approaches as stated in Guns on Campus: A History, are “prohibition in dorms and university-owned housing (on campus and off) and prohibition on carrying weapons on campus (Guns on Campus: A History, 201, p.413). There are many reasons that organizations and people argue for these restrictions to be in place on campus. The other side is trying to argue that the second amendment provides that all persons should be able to “keep and bear arms” including on
College is an important and new experience for many people including myself. Coming into college I think a lot of people have small mindsets including myself towards what takes place. As Robert Frost said “we come to college to get over our little mindedness.” I agree with statement currently being a freshman in my first semester of college. College in general is a life changing experience that comes with a lot of life lessons.
The supporters for concealed carry on college campuses argue that students and teachers should be able to open carry on campus because it will reduce the number of school shootings. The great state of “Texas has made carrying a concealed weapon on college campuses legal as of August 2016” (New York Times).
Several studies mention that licensed concealed carry weapons aren’t involved in crimes that happen on campus. Certain individuals that do commit crimes on and off campus, generally don’t go through background checks to obtain legal concealed weapons. Gun permit requirements vary by state but most require that applicants are the legal minimum age, complete a safety course and have sound criminal and mental histories (Collins). Allowing students to carry concealed weapons on campus could be considered dangerous; however, having these students’ complete safety courses and go through testing that proves they are mentally capable could prevent it from being dangerous. Certain campuses also don’t allow students to carry conceal in classrooms or in dorms.
For this reason, security professionals believe that arming students shoot back would actually make matters worse in the extremely rare instances where mass shootings occur on campus.” This can create a bigger problem than the one before. Such accidental shootings are not accountable for which leaves families of innocent victims upset and frustrated because justice is never served. According to The Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus “Despite the horrific shootings at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois, college campuses are far safer than the communities that surround them. Ninety three percent of the violence against college students occurs off campus, where guns are widely available.
There has been a long standing debate in America regarding open carry. Some people believe that open carry will help protect others from harm. Recently, on June 1, 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed the Campus Carry Law, allowing licensed holders to carry a handgun on college and university campuses, effective next year, August 1, 2016. Gun Control laws need to be controlled, that is indeed true, proven by the 335 public shootings in the country this year alone. Open carry will not be a solution to this growing problem, it may in fact help increase its numbers.
Concealed Weapons Carry What if people had the right to carry concealed guns everywhere, the many hours of training received and money spent on the right to be able to carry a concealed gun? Think about all the mass shootings that have occurred on in the world today and if people had the right to carry their concealed gun everywhere. The law prohibits people from carry concealed guns everywhere and it is not right, especially if people are licensed and trained to carry. People can go on and on about the reasons why concealed guns should not be carried everywhere and actually have some valid points.
To begin with, we are living in one of the most violent time in the last decade. There has been more mass shooting in schools and colleges than ever before. Government can not seem to find a solution for this mass shooting. This brings us to the main topic of whether or not we should allow guns in college campus. There might be some benefit of carrying guns in college such as making the shooter afraid and prevent a mass shooting.
In order to nurture a healthy learning environment at America’s schools and universities, it is critical that students as well as faculty feel safe on campus. Recent pandemonium of violent crimes on campus has many pro-gun activists suggesting that both the Students and Teachers should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on