Can Dogs Smell Cancer Essay

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Dogs have very powerful noses. So the question is can they smell cancer? They can be trained to use their noses to smell cancerous fumes that are wafting from the diseased cells. The sniffing is noninvasive, it could help diagnose a lot of people. Dogs might be able to be helpful to make man-made tools that can “smell” cancer. Cancerous cells has a specific odor to them and scientist haven’t /don’t know what the smells are. Dogs can lead to positive outcomes in helping find cancer odors specifically. They give the dog(s) samples that have cancerous cells in them, each time they remove a compound from the sample. If the dog doesn’t react to the sample that they put then they know that the sample has to do with a specific cancerous cell senses. Researchers can make “biochemical test” from the components. In …show more content…

At one point the owner got worried and went to the doctors to get help, they told her she had malignant melanomas which is a skin cancer. There were tons of more reports about dogs sniffing malignant melanomas, in 2006. There were many studies that show that trained dogs can pick up specific cancers by smelling biological samples, like a person's breath or urine. This is because cells even cancerous cells give off a volatile organic compound (VOCs). Each type of cancer mostly has a distinct VOC, which means it has different odor compared with other cells. Some dogs can be trained to smell the odor of a certain type of cancer in about six months. But some studies set up the work in laboratories, not the real world. The dog would be given five samples that always have had one cancerous specimen, varying on the type of cancer it is, the dog might be able to find four cancerous specimens out of the batch of 1,000. If the handler or the dog doesn’t know which or the four out the 1,000 samples are cancerous, the handle can’t give the dog a positive outcome when the dog picks the correct