Can Money Buy Everything Great Gatsby

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Ruvim Em Franzen/Wagenaar English lll Period 6 4/24/24. Does money buy everything? Everything has a price tag. Gatsby got everything he wanted with his money, he just could not keep it. The reason he could not have Daisy, which was his ultimate goal, was because he lacked money, when he eventually got the money, he got Daisy, although not for long. The Great Gatsby is an American classic by F Scott Fitzgerald, it follows the main character Nick, telling the story of Gatsby and his encounter with Daisy. The story The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald shows that money can buy everything, this is shown because Gatsby buys everything he wants, he is exempt from the law, and he gets Daisy to cheat on Tom with him. Gatsby was so rich he could buy anything. …show more content…

People were not invited—they went there. . . . Sometimes they came and went without having met Gatsby at all, came for the party with a simplicity of heart that was its own ticket of admission” (Fitzgerald #41). This shows that he doesn’t even care who comes over, he has so much money people just walk in, have a good time for free, and leave. Gatsby’s key characteristics are not just his large lavish parties, but his expensive yellow car. “On week-ends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city, between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains” (Faiggar #39). This shows that he is comfortable not only buying the most expensive car at the time, but also riding around in it often, not being afraid to possibly put its value down. The law is something no one can be above, order and peace are held onto that fact, but Gatsby has shown many reasons why he would be above the law. In “The Great Gatsby” the movie, a scene is shown where a cop is in pursuit of him, Gatsby simply shows the cop a card and the cop leaves him alone. No