Can You Be Good Without Religion

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Can You Be Good Without a Religion? When it comes to the topic of, Can you be good without a religion, most of us will readily agree that you can not be good without a religion. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of is the influence of religion a big part of being good, others maintain that you do not need to have faith in a religion in order to be a moral person. I disagree with others opinion that you can be good without a religion because, as recent research has shown, religion does play an important role into being a good person. When it comes to believing in a religion, and how a god plays a role into you being good, is how any form of higher power or a god discourages people from committing any act of sin, or anything considered immoral. In the article “Can We Be Good Without God?” written by J. Buziszewski, he states “Trying to do without God has ruined us inwardly.” Whichever god a person believes in, that god can act as the person’s idolization of goodness. When you believe in a god, that god can inspire and influence you in being a more moral person. …show more content…

Religions tend to do this by asking their members to donate to a certain cause that their church supports, like donating to the poor, or helping feed the homeless, and other things that churches tend to get their members to participate in. In an article titled “Does Religion make us moral?” by Connor Wood, Wood states, “By demanding that people participate in costly, often painful rituals, religious groups ensure that their members have a strong motivation to stay involved and contribute economic and social resources to the group.” Which is another way religions play a role in people having good morals. By getting their members to contribute in things that they most likely would not feel obligated to participate in if they had not belonged to that