Canada A Sustainable Country Essay

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Canada has come a long way and has made progress over the years; The country has made steps towards gender equality and multiculturalism, trying to reconcile with all indigenous peoples, and consistently making progress in terms of environmental protection and sustainability! Canada has become a more inclusive and progressive country and resumes to work towards creating a better future for all Canadians. Thesis statement: Canada has made a great improvement over time by becoming a more inclusive, sustainable country, and more conciliatory. Most may believe that Canada is better than it was before.
For the past few decades, Canada has made significant efforts to promote diversity, inclusivity, and equality, in LGBTQ+ rights, multiculturalism, …show more content…

The northwestern country has made significant strides in environmental protection and sustainability, including investing in clean energy, implementing carbon pricing, and protecting natural habitats. These efforts demonstrate Canada’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preserving the planet for future generations. Canada Country has put measures into place to lessen greenhouse gas emissions, protect biodiversity, and promote clean energy. Canada’s goal is to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 and the implementation of a carbon price system as a means of encouraging emissions reductions to provide an example of this. Large areas of land and water have also been protected across the country thanks to programs like the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society. Canada is committed to environmental sustainability and protection, demonstrated by its investment in clean energy, implementation of carbon pricing, and protection of natural habitats. In 2019, the Canadian government announced a plan to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, which includes increasing the use of renewable energy and investing in clean technology. Additionally, the government has implemented a carbon pricing policy, which puts a price on carbon emissions and encourages businesses and individuals to reduce their carbon footprint. Canada has also made efforts to protect natural habitats and wildlife, including the …show more content…

The country has worked to make amends with indigenous people and try to rectify its colonial history. The authorization of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is one example of this; As are programs such as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which tried to confront the history of residential schools. The promotion of Indigenous rights as well as increased understanding and racial harmony between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples has benefited from these efforts. Canada is making progress in the areas of reconciling with indigenous peoples, including the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action. The government has committed to addressing the legacy of residential schools, which includes providing compensation to survivors and their families and supporting language and culture revitalization efforts. Additionally, the government has worked to establish a new relationship with indigenous peoples based on recognition of rights, respect, and cooperation. This has included the development of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Implementation Act, which aims to ensure that federal laws are consistent with the standards set out in UNDRIP. These efforts demonstrate Canada’s commitment to reconciliation and building a better