Canada Geese Research Paper

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People all over the U.S. have geese in their neighborhoods. Canada geese (Branta canadensis) are among the more common types of geese that are seen in parks and other places with lots of grass, grains and water. Canada geese range from the Southern U.S. to the northern reaches of Canada. They migrate in the fall and in the spring, moving according to weather and food availability. When Canada geese migrate, they move in groups of about 30-100 birds at about 40 miles per hour and over 20000 feet in the air. As they travel, they are constantly calling to each other to communicate where they are going, when they are stopping, etc. The V formation that geese travel in is used to reduce fatigue while the geese fly. The goose at the head of the V breaks the wind for all of the other geese to fly through; however, this job takes a toll on the goose, and they have to rotate periodically. As you move outward in the V, each goose is higher than the one before it, so as to get the lift from the pocket of air they are creating. Of course, geese need their rest, so after flying for about 24 hours, they will stop and rest at a place near the water. Flying both night and day, the geese are about to cover 1500 miles in 24 hours if they have the wind blowing in the direction …show more content…

There is no need for migration if there is an ample supply of food and water, so in some parts of the U.S. there are geese year-round. The geese that do migrate tend to move to areas that are warmer and have better food supplies and lots of water. In the spring, Canada geese move to the places that they will have their young, usually the same breeding location as the previous years. The geese must make sure that there is enough elevated ground for them to put their nests on. This helps the female geese to keep watch from anything that might cause harm to their