Canada Post World War Essay

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The aftermath of warfare is never positive. Throughout history warfare has negatively impacted society and those living in it. The end of World War I led to a period of unrest in Canada because of rising unemployment, the spreading of the Spanish Flu and increasing negative treatment towards women.

Rising unemployment after World War I, led to much tension amongst Canadians. Evidence of this was when war factories shut down because war supplies were no longer needed now that the war had ended, this left many people unemployed (Canadian War Museum). This shows that World War I was a means of income and jobs for many people and as it came to an end so did their career and wealth. Similarly, after the soldiers returned from war, they had no jobs. This was the result of Canada’s fragile economy, which had difficulty employing and supporting demobilized soldiers and left many people jobless(Reilly, Skikavich). The nation as a whole was upset with the government, as they believed that it was the government’s duty to find a concrete solution for this problem (Reilly, Skikavich). This belief led to many people joining labour actions, including the Winnipeg General Strike in 1919. This strike resulted in much chaos as it led to 1 death, 30 casualties and the arrest of leaders of the Central Strike Committee (Reilly, Skikavich). Hence, the end of World War I led to a …show more content…

When the soldiers returned back home after fighting the war in Europe, they brought the Spanish Flu with them (Bailey, Dickin). The Spanish Flu was a deadly disease which was a cause of great tension in Canada , as it killed 21 million people, 50 000 of which were Canadian (Bailey, Dickin). In the same way, this violent strain of flu wiped out whole villages’ altogether as well as forced more people to wear masks out of fear of contamination (Bailey, Dickin). Consequently, the spreading of the Spanish Flu led to uneasiness in