Canadian Economy Case Study

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Part B
Li Zhang and Sai Krishna Vemuri
1. The key issues and outlook of political and economical situation of Canada
Although Canadian economy is known for being one of the most stable economies in the world, it still experienced the impact of drop in oil prices. It’s not just with a province (Alberta) but almost the whole nation went into rescission directly impacting Cad Dollar in the first half of 2015. Economists now predict there is a scope for rise in the economic growth rate from 2.5% to 3% in the third quarter. Bank of Canada already has cut down the interest rate twice in this year (BABAD, 2015)
In order to overcome the 2008-07 global economic recession, Canada had started to issue of fiscal policy at federal level. This immediately …show more content…

It also showed its impact on foreign exchange rate (CAD Currency), although through this decline in currency has benefitted few industries like transport (oil prices) and export but in overall perspective it failed to show progress for the Canadian economy (GDP) (David N. Balaam, 2014). On the other side the federal government revenues had been as low as it had never ever been since before the Second World War. It is being projected to be low for another six years. (Jason Kirby(website), …show more content…

(2015, Sep 28). Canada's economy 'hanging in the balance' as federal parties duke it out. Retrieved 10 5, 2015, from The Globe And Mail:
Canada, G. o. (2015, Jan 19th). Canada and the United Nations. Retrieved Oct 28, 2015, from Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada:
David N. Balaam, B. D. (2014). hat Is International Political Economy? In B. D. David N. Balaam, Introduction to international political economy (6th ed., pp. 15, 16). Pearson. Retrieved 10 06, 2015
Economy of Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia:
Jason Kirby (web site), G. D. (2015, April 20th). 35 ways to look at the economy on budget day The charts every Canadian should be watching. Retrieved from macleans:
Jason Kirby(website), S. G. (2015, April 20th). 35 ways to look at the economy on budget day The charts every Canadian should be watching. Retrieved from macleans: