Essay On Canadian Identity

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Peter R. Grant's idea was to determine how people who are living in Canada felt about their Canadian identity. He included very detailed research methods that he used. The result to the research was that many people felt belonging, pride, and welcomed in the country. Also, mentioned that as a Canadian, they were able to live like a law binding citizen. The ability to travel, freedom of speech, and protection under the law. Furthermore, people believed that as a Canadian, they are proud of being part of multicultural country.

Sample size: 27 of the 33 people and was able to contact 25 (92.6%) for study 1, 403 immigrants for study 2a, and 521 students who were Canadian citizens and who lived in Canada for most of their life for study 2b. …show more content…

Therefore, the data above indicates that the leaders feel belonging, pride, and welcomed.

b) Data: Table 2 (59) discusses the immigrants' Canadian identity scale and subscale items.

Relation to the main argument: This table explains how respondent from both study 2a and 2b felt living in Canada. Subscales indicate three themes, which are belonging, citizenship, and the meaning of being part of Canada national identity. Belonging scale have general idea of belonging and they felt like they are at home. Citizenship scale described having Canadian passport, and right to vote. The last scale indicates national identity, such as freedom of speech, freedom of travel, and protection under the law. They also feel part of the multicultural country. c) Data: Table 3 (60) shows the t-tests for unadjusted mean.

Relation to the main argument: Because study 2a and 2b have age differences the result between two surveys came out different. Mainly, because students from study 2b were mostly born in Canada, and study 2a has higher immigration scale. They both had positive respond to Canadian multiculturalism; however, had more positive respond to Canadians in general than the immigrant …show more content…

Grant is a psychology professor at the University of Saskatchewan, and he is member of the Applied Social Psychology graduate program. His field study is intergroup relations, and recently worked using Social Identity theory and Relative Deprecation theory. A lot of academic publications were used; however, few of them were mentioned. He was very clear with the methods of the research, but it was difficult to find the concluding results for data. He included a lot of the necessary information about the sample such as sample characteristics and sample sizes. Author did not mention the limitations of his