As the populations keep increasing, as so the diseases keep increasing too. As mention before,
cancer is known as a disease. Even though we have advanced in technology and on medicine,
most of the treatments are unavailable for the majority of people. Whether is economically or
they do not qualify, medicine for cancer can be too expensive and not too available. "'A lot of my
patients cry — they're frustrated,’ says Dr. Ayalew Tefferi, a hematologist at the Mayo Clinic.
‘Many of them spend their life savings on cancer drugs and end up being bankrupt'" (Whitehead,
NPR). With high prices on drugs, no one can afford to even survive. But the pharmaceuticals
should consider that if the prices are too high, no one would and could be
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Since cancer has become a great interest to researchers, it
has been a long time that cancer has been studied and is known how it works on the human body.
But the problem is not that there’s enough knowledge on the mechanism of cancer, but the real
problem is that all this knowledge is in vain and not being used appropriately. The NCI (National
Cancer Institute) has invested a great deal of money in trying to prolonged life and promised a
lot of things that could give a hope to an end to the war on cancer. And if it is true, many medicines had been found that could somehow treat cancer and prolonged life, but it hasn’t done
too much for the whole society, “Sure, we've had our breakthrough drugs like Gleevec, the
targeted drug for chronic myelogenous leukemia, and Herceptin for a certain type of breast
cancer. But for a lot of other cancers, the treatments aren't giving us bang for the buck”