Candace Newmaker's Arguments In The American Justice System

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Candace Newmaker, a bright girl trying to find a home until she met her terrible fate of being murdered. One of the worst things you can inflict upon another human, is to steal their lives. People who take another’s life are sentenced harshly. But when it comes to doctors, they receive a free pass. Why should doctors and medical physicians not be as harshly punished compared to others? This stain in the American justice system is clearly stated within the case of Candace Newmaker. Doctors can violate the rights of patients in many ways and their penalties are less severe than that happens to a regular murder case.

Doctors have violated patient’s rights in many ways and have gotten away with this unlawful act. In the case of Candace Newmaker, …show more content…

It is shown multiple times throughout the trials. In a recent case, a doctor pays 10 thousand dollars to escape trial and not go to court. This clearly shows that doctors do have the power to pay the jury so they can avoid trial, which is wrong and should be banned. Sure, you can bail your friends or family out of jail for some menial crime, but when it comes to hurting someone else with knowledge that they hurt that person, they should be tried and punished accordingly. This makes our justice system fair and lets the people know that no matter the crime, no matter the reason, all people get punished fairly and …show more content…

Candace Newmaker was a very bright and happy girl until her life was taken by those two therapists. After the horrible murder, the two doctors were sent to 16-year sentences and got off in half that time. 7 years! In the trial of the child’s murder to Disneyland, the father was sent to 25-life in prison for the murder of his son. True, that the mother of Candace trusted these doctors and she is directly responsible of finding ways for her daughter to be treated. They could use a multitude of ways to treat their patient. They still killed her and were sentenced for reckless child abuse and got out in 7 years. The father of that child received 25 years in prison maximum. Both cases were death by strangulation. This shows how much doctors make influence on the system of court. A man that murdered his son received a harsh and fair punishment, unlike the doctors that not only killed Candace, but taunted her and brought her down. For 70 minutes this horror scene went down, which not only shows that cruelty of some doctors, but the fact they doctors do murder with knowledge. These two doctors did not even have licenses. What else do doctors have the power to