Cango Week 4 Analysis

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Problem at hand:
After reviewing the week 3 and week 4 video analysis. I discovered there is an issue with online consumers/customers. There has been a loss of online customer sales reported by CanGo. CanGo reported that there is about 75 percent of their customers would go online and scroll thru their website to determine what they want to purchase and actually put these items in their check out cart but these consumers/customers would abandon the sales before these consumers/customers complete check out process and actually purchase these items. Because these accounts about 75 percent of their customer base and it is really hurting their sales number. As CanGo looks at becoming more productive within their specific online consumers/customer …show more content…

I believe what CanGo needs to do is to ensure that CanGo can provide comfort to their online consumers / customers. I believe one of the reasons as why these online consumers / customers are scared to go through the final checkout process is that these online consumers / customers ended up thinking about the actual purchases way too much before they hit the “buy” button. We are at an age where technology is evolving at a high rate of speed and these online customers / customers are smart as well. These online consumers / customers know how to compare online prices and when these online consumers / customers find out, these online consumers / customers begin to shop for alternatives by either going to other website who carry the exact same items or by going to local shops who might be running a sale or clearance. Here is the list of recommendations I believe will work very well for CanGo to provide these online customers /

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