Capability Approach In Social Justice

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Distribution is one the most controversial matter in Political Philosophy as far as Social Justice is concerned. In this essay, I will discuss about the capability approach as the plausible factor to consider when devising a distribution scheme. The capability approach takes a comprehensive or holistic approach which considers the abilities, functionings, opportunities, the being of an individual and other factors as well. The capability approach is a theoretical framework that involves two central normative claims that the freedom to attain well-being is of fundamental moral importance; and it needs to be understood in terms of people's capabilities, that is, their actual opportunities to do and be what they value and have reason to sustain …show more content…

However, some might consider treating each person as an end and pluralism about values as the only genuinely vital to each and every capability theory. In response to such objection, it is crucial to know that the capability approach can be exercised in a narrower and broader ways. In a narrow way, it stipulates to one what information to consider when judging how well someone's life is going or has gone. Still in same vein of narrower use, the capability approach’s focus is often strictly on the assessment of individual functioning degrees or on both functionings and capabilities. In a broader use, the capability approach does not only assess the lives of individuals, it also takes into account other considerations in its evaluations. For instance, the capability approach pays attention to other normative considerations and other values apart from well-being; these considerations may include efficiency, agency, empowerment, or procedural fairness (Ingrid Robeyns 2016). This will lead one to think that the capability approach is more a normative theory than …show more content…

This is so be it effectively encompasses other theories or approaches which focus on particular aspects of distribution. The capability approach takes a comprehensive or holistic approach to distribution which considers the abilities, functionings, opportunities, the being of an individual and other factors as well. The transformations of these capabilities enhance the conditions of living and this seems to be the integral part of each individual and society. Therefore, this brings about satisfaction to individuals and the

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