Capitalism And Communism

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However, Karl Marx examined that in the case of capitalism, exploitation was essentially being hidden by the wage system. Leaving out cases of outright fraud, workers are employed, labour for a given number of hours, and then receive compensation in the form of a wage in return. On the surface it seems that a fair exchange is being observed, however this is far from the truth.
The capitalist, in addition to purchasing various inputs into the productive process (machinery, raw materials, etc.) also buys what Marx called "labour-power," increments of workers' time during which the capitalist controls the workers' creative and physical energies. (Lapon 2011)

Under this capitalism situation, the exploiters are enabled to sell much needed commodities, …show more content…

The capitalist structure is the jackpot if you have access to these means of production, however if you do not, you will unfortunately fall victim to the disguised exploitation which is funding the people at the top of the triangle.
All of the billions in bonuses for Wall Street bankers, all of the dividends paid to shareholders of giant corporations, and every dollar extracted by these capitalist leaders->all of this is the result of the uncompensated labor and neglect of working-class, every-day people. And, given that exploitation is at the root of capitalism, it seems that the only way to be rid of exploitation is to live under an entirely different society, for example socialism, a society with its own issues, however a society in which there is no bare minimum minority at the top of the triangle dictating the lives of the …show more content…

(1997) The History of Capitalist Expansion. In: Globalisation and the Postcolonial World. Palgrave, London

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