
Comparing Communism And Economic Inequality

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Even though me and Karl Marx both wrote about capitalism, we have come to very different conclusions. While Marx thinks that capitalism is “theft”,I think capitalism is the most efficient type of economy; it is how we can and will, solve economic inequality.. I believe in a saying called the “invisible hand” it’s a system where every person tries to maximize their benefit. For example, Stores are only going to sell products based on the price they know they will be able to profit off of, while the consumers will only pay an amount for something that they know they will benefit from; this is also known as equilibrium. Now, in modern businesses,tasks done by one person in a day could be more profitably be split into many tasks carried out by …show more content…

Why would you want someone like Karl Marx to put a limitation on how much your income can be? In my opinion that is cruelty.Karl Marx states that the big dogs always stay at the top and the poor people always stay at the bottom, which is not true at all. Unlike in an communistic economy, you have room to grow and flourish and be whatever you want to be. But in a communistic society you would have to stay and your social class and you could never advance.Economic freedom is one of the main factors to economic success. People being able to invest their own money into businesses, and grow them as large as they want will bring more money into the economy. Bringing more money into the economy will go into taxes and help pay for things such as rail roads,public libraries and public schools. Our government definitely needs a free market. Karl Marx feels as if we don't need competition and that it makes the economy worse,but that is …show more content…

Honestly I think what Karl Marx is trying to do is so cruel and inhumane. How do you control someone's life without feeling like a piece of crap? Karl Marx does not care about this country at all and don't let him fool you. He just wants to be able to control everyone, socialism is not as great as it sounds. If you don't believe me, use North Korea as an example, it's falling to shambles.There shouldn't be limitations on your dreams and aspirations America. America is the land of the free, not the land of control.The government shouldn't be able to control our jobs, we should be able to make our own decisions for ourselves. I believe that you should work for what you receive. Why would it be fair to have someone doing the same job as you, not working as hard as you, but still making the same amount of money? It makes absolutely no sense. Karl Marx stated “ in a Free-Enterprise system only people that can afford college get to get an education” this is completely false and ignorant. There is a thing called scholarships duh?People that have a socialistic outlook believe that our only crisis are abundance and that we shouldn't have to

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