Communism during the Salem Witch Trials
Karl Marx once said “The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence:
Abolish all private property.” Although communism may sound like a good theory but once put
into play falls apart. The theory of communism was created by Karl Marx around 1848.
Communism is the theory that uses force in order to ensure that everyone is treated
equally and there is no private property. “Communism doesn’t work because people like to own
stuff” ("Why Communism Doesn't Work"). Communism can never work if people have the need
to want their own stuff and be greedy. During the Salem witch trials while in court Giles calls
out Mr. Putnam for accusing many people as witches because he wanted more property.
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While communism is meant to help
achieve equality for everyone it has been proven we can’t achieve a perfect communist state.
Communism first originated from the Greek idea during the Golden Age that harmony
and bliss would be achieved without owning private property (Beer, "Origins of Communism").
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It later than resurfaced around 1848 when Karl Marx published his book The Communist
Manifesto. During Karl Marx’s time he wanted the proletariat, the working class, to overthrow
the government due to bourgeoisie, the high class, having more opportunities and unfair
advantages. “The bourgeoisie was accompanied by a corresponding political advance in that
class” Marx felt that the bourgeoisie had overstep their bounds in the society and ruined morals
for the proletariat (Karl Marx and Frederick Engels The Communist Manifesto). Karl Marx
begins to blame the bourgeoisie for everything wrong with the society and how they have ruined
the nation with all their industries and production. Communism was created by Karl Marx due
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The Cold War did affect the lives of Americans causing them to question their
beliefs causing the red scare, a fear of communism, ("Cold War Influences on American Culture,
Politics, and Economics"). Not only were the citizens scared of the spread of communism but
also the government were taking cautions to prevent communism. The government even started
accusing some of Hollywood’s stars of being a part of the communist party and putting them on
jail for a trial (Richards, "The Cold War in America: Effects on Everyday Life"). Due to the
government’s action some of the Hollywood’s stars career were ruined. The government not only
ruined actors’ lives but they also stripped the rights of labor unions they had earned from years
back just because they suspected them to be part of the communist party. Due to the Cold war
and communism, the government started accusing people of having to be involved in the
communist party ruining some of the peoples’ career and causing the American’s to panic.
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The communist party broke off from the socialist party and advocated for communism.
“The CPUSA became role models for their community for many aspects” in their early