
Karl Marx's Manifesto Of The Communist Party

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“Revolutions are the locomotives of history” - Karl Marx. Karl Marx was the father of socialism. He was the one who started the revolution for socialism. He believed that capitalism is one of the most failed economic systems and that’s why he believes socialism should replace it. Socialistic views are based on all of the productions for that economy are controlled by the government. Meaning that all the things made for by any company in that socialist country are controlled by the government. He also started his own political and economical views called Marxism. Marxism is the belief that there is a classless society based off of two groups. The people that own the producing companies and the people who work for those companies to survive. …show more content…

Marx and Engels wrote, "The distinguishing feature of Communism is not the abolition of property generally, but the abolition of bourgeois property." Unlike those Marx described as utopian socialists, Marx determined that, "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles". Generally saying by keeping what we have our economy shall fail, but if we revolt now we can change that. Some countries that are socialist today for example is Canada. Canada’s government owns all healthcare unlike The United States in a sense that we have private healthcare and government regulated healthcare. Another popular country is China. Right now, China in 1981 had an all time high rate in poverty of 88% of the population. China has now brought down the poverty percentage to 6.5% since 012. Yet, another popular socialist country is the Netherlands.The Netherlands are socialist and due to that their taxes are “out of this world” expensive. The Netherlands taxes combined in 2016 was 52% taxes. Honestly, if you stop and really think about it that's just over a little a half of your paycheck. That is absolutely outrageous that you lose half of your check just because you have to pay taxes. This makes the cost of living go

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