Roles Of Communism In Human Society

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Part of what defines a society is the economic system their country chooses to adopt. In modern times most countries have chosen capitalism. However, the opposite of capitalism, communism, has been attempted by multiple countries but has never worked nearly as well as its divergent. In capitalism “ most of the means of production are privately owned, production is guided and income is distributed largely through the operation of markets” (Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica). Whereas communism represents an idealistic doctrine that “aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production and the natural resources of a society” (Dagger and Ball). Marxian …show more content…

The ants or bees that provide the same role are indistinguishable from every other ant or bee that also provide the same role. Whereas in humans five people who are doing the exact same job as each other will have differences physically and mentally, along with wanting to achieve different goals. As a Ph.D in marketing puts it “humans are not equal in their talents, drives, capacities, and ambitions” (Saad). While most people entertain the thought humans inherently selfless that does not hold. In nature there are no selfless acts, even in ants and honey bees. They are doing what is best for them, it just happens to be giving their lives to provide for their colony or hive. Even in mutualistic relationships, where two species work together to benefit, “one partner will generally take advantage of the other given half a chance” (Gabbatiss). However, animals of the same species, have kin-selection, where animals are prepared to sacrifice their lives “in order to raise the chances of its relatives surviving and breeding” (Gabbatiss). Kin selection can be used to explain why ants and bees work so hard to preserve their colonies and hives. All other females, in both species, are sterile, in order for their specie to survive and grow they have to provide for and protect the member of the group that can reproduce, their queen. By protecting their queen they ensure that their genetic code lives on, providing a textbook example of Kin selection. With humans practically every female is fertile and can reproduce. Causing people to have very few relatives in comparison to the total population of their communities. For example, one would be willing to die for their brother but not a stranger. Humans are also afflicted by psychological and reciprocal altruism. Psychological altruism is