Best Car Alarm Research Paper

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How to choose the best car alarm? Contrary to popular belief, choosing the best car alarm is one of the most complex decisions we have to make in our day to day life. Even if all car alarms have the same goal of preventing theft and securing your vehicle, knowing the difference between the products and selecting the one that best fits your need will help yield effectiveness.

Why does your car need an alarm?
Auto-theft or carnapping is one of the most common crimes in the world. In the United States alone, a vehicle is being stolen every 33 seconds. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, out of all stolen vehicles, only 57% were recovered. On the other hand, annual cost of stolen cars surge up to 7 billion US dollars. Wild …show more content…

In choosing the right car alarm for your car, basic knowledge about the device is essential. Car alarms are primarily manufactured to prevent theft, and this is achieved by scaring the prospective criminals and making your car inoperable – and this is where car alarms serve their fundamental function. Okay, first thing first. Car alarms are chiefly composed of three basic components: (1) at least one sensor, (2) a siren that creates noise as well as flashes light in times of intrusion , and (3) a control unit so you can make them all work. All these components are connected to various parts of your car and their primary function is to create signals to counterfeit the attempt of the prospective thief to gain access to your vehicle. One of the most common types of car alarms is installed in the door of the vehicle. These alarms make the switch send signals to the control unit each time the door is shut, and counterfeits any unwanted stab to gain access to the vehicle by making a deafening noise. My car was almost stolen, but it’s a good thing I have installed this door alarm which called out the attention of the passersby as well as the …show more content…

· Notifications and alerts may fluctuate from time to time.
· The Scheduler system in the app is not user-friendly and demands to be manually operated which consumes a lot of time.
· CarLock is not as sensitive as it should be.
· Delayed notifications. 4. Viking VS125 – Self Contained Car Alarm Remote Vehicle Security System Pros
· Very compact and very convenient.
· Easy installation. Installation can be accomplished by simply attaching with the power wire to the positive battery terminal.
· Has two 2-button transmitters with remote panic, 2 wire power and ground connection for impact and current sense.
· Comes With built-in dual stage shock that can easily be programmed via remote for its warn-away system.
· Has 60 seconds auto-reset, an audible arm and disarm confirmation and status LED.
· Has multi-tone siren, input trigger for hood, trunk, door, and comes with other optional sensor.
· Sensitive and has the ability to sense the slightest type of shocks.
· Equipped with car locator. Cons
· LED is noted for its low brightness.
· Manual is written in a very technical manner
· Remote uses A23 12V

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