In a 1970 article about drugs, narcotics, and the government, “Drugs: Case for Legalizing Marijuana”, Gore Vidal explores how the illegalization of marijuana has created the opposite effect of what the legislation has intended to do. Vidal’s explanation and reasoning behind this idea is not entirely associated with drug users and the population in general, but also has a strong link to monetary gains in government bureaus and large-scale mafias. These financial motive claims are supported by logical appeal and evidence.1 To begin, Vidal points out that, “both the Bureau of Narcotics and the Mafia want strong laws against the sale and use of drugs because if drugs are sold at cost there would be no money in it for anyone” (par. 10). This statement
Upon reading Gore Vidals "Case for Legalizing Marijuana" one may wonder why drugs are not legal in the United States of America. Afterall, several valid reasonings were made throughout the article. There is a demand for drugs and many people are supplying them, while also making a small fortune. If drugs were made legal and sold for high prices, their market would decrease because many people would not be able to afford them. Most people involved in the drug world do not know the consequences of that which they consume.
In the article “Not Just a High,” by Nathan Seppa, the author believes that medicinal marijuana is on the verge of a big breakthrough in the realm of medicine. Although the author clearly states all of the benefits there would be to using medicinal marijuana as a medicine, he also points out that there are still a lot of risks and uncertainties to deal with too. Medicinal marijuana is still in the somewhat early stages of testing, but it has already proved to alleviate pain, fight forms of inflammation, treat cancer, and even suppress tumors. Seppa gives several examples on how the views of medicinal marijuana have changed.
Sorting Through the Science on Marijuana, written by Itai Danovitch, touches on what marijuana is, the innocuous and detrimental effects it can have on a body, and how the legalization of this drug would affect the rates of marijuana use. Throughout the piece, Danovitch speaks from an unbiased point of view; he is neither for the legalization and use of this drug nor against it. Itai Danovitch not only establishes a dependable and impartial article, he also connects to the reader, both, emotionally and logically through statements validated by facts. Itai Danovitch, M.D. receives his credibility from his profession as a doctor. Not only does Danovitch state facts, he also, provides an adequate amount of information along with the citations
Marijuana is a controversial topic in America leaving everyone wondering, should it be or should it not be legal? Myself, having the similar question, looked at two different viewpoints regarding the issue. Only instead of primarily focusing on strictly marijuana legalization, I chose to specifically search for legalization of cannabidiol, oil that derives from cannabis. With using cannabis oil, or any drug, there is a risk that the product will give side effects, whether good or bad. According to Professors Wayne Hall and Louisa Degenhardt, they argue the latter: that non-medicinal use of cannabis has negative effects on a person’s health.
Marijuana is not only seen as a drug, but seen as a vital medication. To some people, it’s used as a cure. They don’t use it to get “high” or to relive their teenage years, but they use it to keep themselves out of pain and suffrage. Some patients spend hundreds of dollars on medication
They say that marijuana is addictive, leads to harder drug use, interferes with fertility, impairs driving ability, and injures the lungs, immune system and brain. They say that medical marijuana is a front for drug legalization and recreational use.” ("Procon", 2016). Let’s look at driving for example, alcohol warns not to dive after consumption, prescription narcotics also warn people not to drive or operate heavy machinery after consumption. The reality of it is that thousands of people in the United States are still doing it every day even though they are told not to.
Back in the early twentieth century, marijuana was mainly used for medical purposes in the US. Now, both it 's recreational and medical use is increasingly being consumed by the population and the tendency is to continue increasing. Much has been said about the use of marijuana as a solution to different health problems, and although not everything that is said is true, it cannot be ignored that marijuana can help in the treatment of some cases of adult patients. CNN’s chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, was opposed to the medicinal use of cannabis. Based on his knowledge as a neurologist, he was convinced that the drug was dangerous and had dismissed its supposed therapeutic benefits.
Let me begin by warning you, this is an extremely controversial topic. Legalizing recreational marijuana should be a top priority for the state of Florida. When put on a scale the benefits outweigh the cons. For one, the crime rate in our state will lower. Secondly, many people cannot afford prescription drugs, recreational marijuana can be used for various ailments and its health benefits exceed expectation.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, people who smoke marijuana are 104 times more likely to smoke cocaine, and other addictive drugs, than people who don’t smoke marijuana. This is potentially very dangerous because these other drugs can have adverse reactions that are many times worse than marijuana. Cocaine, like marijuana is a stimulant, but unlike marijuana is many times stronger. Users will become addicted to cocaine much quicker and much more deeply. Legalizing marijuana will multiply the already large problem with illegal drug use.
Marijuana, formerly known as Cannabis, has been looked at in a medical sense for centuries. Marijuana was seen as a household drug throughout the seventeenth to the early twentieth century as a remedy to reduce nausea or vomiting, headaches, an anti-inflammatory, and the choice of pain reliever. In the 1920s, the Eighteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution outlawed the manufacture and sale of alcohol, also known as Prohibition. As a result, marijuana flourished as a psychoactive drug.
The topic of this controversial essay will be about is the legalization of marijuana. I will be advocating for the legalization of marijuana. The legalization of marijuana is so controversial because it was outlawed in the past, but now people are discovering new things it could do and wish to have it legalized once again. The legalization of marijuana can offer medical benefits, generate a lot of tax money, and decreases prisoner space. The legalization of marijuana can offer many health benefits.
In the past decade, a number of movements to legalize the use of marijuana has been gaining momentum. According to the 2016 Gallup survey, a record high 60% of Americans say that marijuana should be legalized and this figure marks a 9% increase compared to 2014. Support for legalizing marijuana was 31% in 2000, 50% in 2016 before reaching 60% last year. This shows that despite government efforts to eliminate its use, marijuana is becoming more popular. It is clear that
The main ethical challenge about the use of medical marijuana is the fact that many people are against drug use and marijuana is an illegal substance in many parts of Australia. Being a new topic there are very few philosophical events/report that analyse medical marijuana, however, the rule of utilitarianism can still be applied. Utilitarianism is a theory where the pros and cons are evaluated on the outcomes of choosing one action/policy over other actions/policies, it takes the action and interests of others into account (na, 2003, Online Guide to Ethics and Moral Philosophy). The use of medical marijuana obeys the theory of Utilitarianism as it benefits the minority of people that require access to the drug and does not cause any harm to those who do not require the drug. It has become clear that the position of ethicist must be with the use of medical marijuana as it provides the most favourable outcome for the entire
Why Marijuana Should be Legal Marijuana is a very prominent issue in society today. Many false and slanderous things have been said about marijuana in recent times. But the truth about marijuana continues to reveal itself. Sadly these truths are being criticised because of the stereotypical view that many people call the typical “pot smoker”.