Case Report: Young Age V. Jackson's Death

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As you may heard during the opening statement, Milan fell down of the clock tower, slowly she was passing through the tunnel of her death. A witness claims that Chris Archer is responsible for her death. Milan and Pat Smith were best friends since elementary, precisely in third grade. They both suffer bullying at a young age. He states that kids used to call her mean names because she was the newbie. As time pass, Pat noticed Ms. Jackson transforming into a beautiful women, that soon she will be popular in high school and forget about him. But Ms. Jackson was loyal to him, that after graduating high school, they applied to the same college which is Columbus University which is located in New Columbia. During the fall semester, at first the …show more content…

On Hell Week, which was the last week of pledging, the witness suffered extremely more than the others. On November 17th, the Gammas made him strips to his underwear, and stand outside so they can make fun of them. Gamma was said that brothers and sisters support each other, but this shows how corrupt fraternities are. This event made Pat have an extreme asthma attack that made him went to the hospital. Then, the witness saw Chris and his pack visiting him in the hospital. He was expecting comfort or an apology, but instead he was threaten by the defendant. The defendant states Pat should not tell anyone especially the police, or else he‘ll make him an outcast on campus. What a clever thing that Chris did, he threatened him by making his life the same life during elementary school. He was smart enough to aim at the witness weak spot. The witness suffered from loneliness and the only friend he has was Ms. Jackson. This led to him lie to the police and still pledging Gamma. After the torture throughout Hell Week, Hell Night begun, where pledges are to do one last thing in order to get in Gammas. This can only result death, or prison. Pat and Milan were drinking about three shots of tequila. But then he noticed, Milan wasn’t acting as drunk as she normally did. This was the first time were she laugh and talked, and where her words were not slurred and seems focused. This is where we are supposed to look closely. The witness experience Milan’s

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