Case Study: Hi-Lighters

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Hi-Lighters is a club devoted to spreading positivity and instilling healthy lifestyle habits into members of my school. All high school students, myself included, experience stress sometimes, whether from school or family matters. Our goal at Hi-Lighters is not merely to encourage an optimistic outlook, but to work with members of my community to recognize sources of stress and strive to find ways to properly handle this stress, whether it be by developing stronger study habits or finding small ways to add movement into their busy schedules. Hi-Lighters also encourages students and faculty to recognize the incredible efforts faculty put into their work, with our popular Teacher Shout-Out Box. This is an opportunity for students and faculty …show more content…

I was motivated to apply to Rice not merely because of extensive research opportunities like these, its intimate and collaborative environment, and its engagement with the Houston community, but because of how the students treat one another. After speaking with several students on campus, it is clear that Rice students are the happiest in the nation because they seek to build one another up and learn from each other.

Supplement 4: The Committee on Admission is interested in getting to know each candidate as well as possible through the application process. The following essay questions are designed to demonstrate your writing skills and facilitate our full appreciation of your unique perspective. Please respond to each of the following prompts.

The quality of Rice 's academic life and the Residential College System are heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What personal perspective would you contribute to life at Rice? (500 word …show more content…

They may see someone merely as a status, or race, or gender, rather than as a person. In order to encourage discussion and to initiate change, it is imperative that those who are aware of the multi-faceted dimensions of a situation continue to learn while teaching others. Throughout my college experience, not only do I hope to gain new perspectives, as I will be part of an incredibly diverse student body from a vast array of backgrounds, but to also share my own perspectives. Not only do I hope to bring delicious chocolate cakes to the table, I aspire to bring my first-hand experience of tolerance and understanding. Had I not embraced both of my parents’ customs and practices, I would have missed out on lighting the Menorah or a candle in church, actions that are symbolic of spreading light to others. At Rice, I hope to carry on my traditions with others, while creating news ones that I will continue to celebrate years in the future, whether it be as a participant of the Rice Hillel or a member of the Rice Catholic Student Association or simply with my friends. While embracing the brilliant diversity of experiences, perspectives, and traditions the Rice community cherishes, I will ignite a spark within others through spreading the light of acceptance and of learning from one member of the Rice community to the