Humanization Vs Darwin's Theory

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1. Humanization vs. Hominization: a. Compare and contrast Lamarck’s and Darwin’s explanation of the process of evolution of the species. [Criterion A] Lamarck believed that if your body changed in order to adapt then those features would be inherited into your biological children. Darwin believed that all species develop through a process of natural selection called the “survival of the fittest” which states that some traits that help organisms compete, survive and reproduce are most likely going to be the ones passed onto the next generations. These two theories complement each other because if your body adapts in order to survive and live a better life then those changes will probably be the ones that outlive other traits. Lamarck’s theory …show more content…

Personally, I can't really find anything wrong with this theory other than the fact that many scientists have proven that some of the features that are used to prove the Darwinian theory of evolution have been proven to be thanks to random mutation and radioactive changes which would challenge the idea that some current traits are the result of the “filtration” of some original characteristics. b. Explain the difference between hominization and humanization [Criterion A] Hominization is the belief that human beings went through a process of evolution in which we became from another animal throughout time and space, it uses a science based approach. Humanization on the other side is the idea that humans as a species just became what we are without going through a process of evolution, it's the belief that we were just created, humanization uses a more cultural/spiritual based …show more content…

Ecological disequilibrium (non-human species) iii. Regulation for consumers (labeling and patenting) iv. Human germline/gene pool (Human genome as a patrimony) v. Editing for enhancement (non-therapeutic uses) vi. Animal chimeras for organ transplantation (moral status of non-human animals) 3. Inquiry Unit a. Formulate two different inquiry questions for your assigned issue (One could be the inquiry unit from your group, so the other can be a question that you individually wonder about). [Criterion B] i. To what extent are genetically modified chimeras for organ replication and harvesting more or less important than domestic animals? ii. To what extent would an animal still be considered an animal of some certain species if most of its organs are genetically modified to replicate a human’s? b. Justify the relevance of the inquiry question that your group formulated. [Criteria B] c. Answer the question as a personal provisional stance (Answer as you, yourself, actually think about this issue). [Criterion D] d. Answer the question as a hypothesis (Answer with what you think that the people that you are going to interview are going to answer) [This, obviously, must be done before starting the interviews.] [Criterion