Argumentative Essay: The Ethics Of Human Cloning

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Most people in our society, no matter what level of education that they may have, have heard of the cloning, specifically the cloning of Dolly the lamb, and have some notions regarding the idea of cloning humans. "The successes in animal cloning suggest to some that the technology has matured sufficiently to justify its application to human cloning" (Jaenisch et al.). However, not every agrees that human cloning is a something that should be put into practice (Hoskins). There generally seem to be two basic divisions on this issue: those who find it inappropriate and unethical, and those who find it a reasonable and necessary step in the progression of scientific research (Lustig). Many questions arise when discussing such controversial issues (Jaenisch et al.). Some of these questions include "the central, apparently unresolvable issue of the moral status of the human embryo, which raises questions about which perspectives should govern appropriate pluralistic policy" (Jaenisch et al.). There are also questions as to how to weigh the "possible scientific breakthroughs" with the "less quantifiable values and perspectives" (Jaenisch et al.). While there are decent arguments on how the copying of a human being could be …show more content…

Not only are there many ways in which human cloning can be misused, such as, creating clones for organ donors or replacement children, but cloning has also proved to be rather dangerous (Hoskins). It takes scientists many attempts and many failures before they successfully clone animals and there is no reason to think it would be different with humans (Harrison). Many human embryos would need to be sacrificed in order to protect this practice and many of these children clones who did survive would