Frankenstein Pros And Cons Of Cloning

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In the story Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Victor Frankenstein, the main character and narrator of the story, attempted to re-create a human from the dead for the sake of having done so. Victor did not take a minute to think about the pros and cons of creating it. This situation is like modern day Scientists who are enthralled with the idea of cloning a human being. The ramifications -- both physical and social -- of accomplishing this is where the concern is. Cloning is bad because we don't know what is going to happen in the end, although there are those who are on the opposing side. Scientists have cloned various animals to attempt to reproduce an exact replica of the original animal. One major reason why cloning animals is an ongoing issue is that it causes suffering for animals. It is said that “animal surrogates were manifesting adverse outcomes, and cloned animals were having diseases and even high mortality rates. One of these negative results is the large offspring syndrome (LOS), where clones are large at birth since they came …show more content…

The economy takes a big hit from it resulting in inflation. According to, “One of the very rational reasons for avoiding cloning is that it is a very expensive process. It requires technically sophisticated resources for which one may have to shell out a lot of money. Plus, as I mentioned, there are lot of risks involved in cloning. With the success rate presently being only around 1%, it is not economically viable to practice large scale cloning. It will only drain wealth out of an economy” (Rawat). Reproducing a human being or an animal the normal way is free. It takes no hit on the economy and comes with little to no uncertain results except for the gender of the offspring. Cloning is risky and the money spent on research is being spent on something that will never be completely successful. It is a complete waste of not only money but also