Persuasive Essay On Cloning

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Cloning has been debated for over 2 years now and some people think it is fine and some people think it is bad. In Illinois it is illegal to clone people and animals but in other places it is not illegal. Some people think it is good because if a cow has good meat they could clone that animal and then that one would have good meat like the first cow. If you are wondering what cloning is it is not when they put things in a machine and then you get a clone, it is when they get a copy of someone from the outside but not really the inside. They do this by taking the chromosomes out of the nucleus of an animal and put into a different nucleus. And so when that animal has a kid the kid would look like the animal they took the chromosomes from “their clones that share nuclear DNA from the same cells”. That is what cloning is.
Cloning is good when they do it to animals and humans unless they are bad animals and are harming people or things. It is fine when people do it to animals because some animals have good meat and if people need money they can get that money by selling good meat. That is one of the ways it is good when done to the right animals. One thing the scientists don’t want to do is the animal they clone could be sick and then the new one could just die right away, and that would …show more content…

Another reason people want cloning is because if they have had a cute or nice pet they can clone it and get an pet that looks just like that one. One of the bad things about doing that is if they were trained and, that is why they act the way they act the owner will have to go through all of that trying again. Some reasons people don’t want cloning is if that animal is one that brings back memories they might not want that. Also if that pet that had was mean they might fear the clone will be mean to. And if there was a bad animal that could cause disease and it was the last of it’s kind they might fear of scientists doing