Cloning Research: Ethical Concerns

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Cloning Research; Ethical Concerns Since the discovery of cloning back in 1885, scientist Hans Adolf Edward Dreisch discovered that it was indeed possible to separate cells, by splitting two-celled sea urchin embryos (Genetic Science Learning Center, 2014), we have been at odds with the ethical dilemma regarding this filed of study. However it wasn’t till the latter half of the twenty century that cloning became a mainstream concern. New discoveries in genetic research and cloning are being developed, and helping lead scientist in new directions. What was once thought of science fiction, is now a realty, and this work has impacted the world we live in. We will examine the amazing discoveries cloning research is discovering and how it has changed …show more content…

In using these single cell embryos, requires a host that has the potential to become a human being, and it is in this realm that the ethical dilemma has been sparked. The ethical debate has created a firestorm of controversy over the use of zygotes and the potential of cloning humans, they thought is highly unethical practice. The research that is currently being conducted with zygotes/single cell embryos focus is on not cloning humans, but on stem cells research that designed to help with conditions that would be considered terminal or life altering. Diseases such as cancer or Parkinson’s can have amazing outcomes with this use of this discovery. Paralyses could no longer confine patients to a wheel chair, the use of these zygotes can help to regrow the damaged cells that are causing the paralyses, and the possibilities are seemingly endless. According to The President’s Council on Bioethics,
The moral case for cloning-for-biomedical-research rests on our obligation to try to relieve human suffering, an obligation that falls most powerfully on medical practitioners and biomedical researchers. We who support cloning-for-biomedical-research all agree that it may offer uniquely useful ways of investigating and possibly treating many chronic debilitating diseases and disabilities, providing aid and relief to millions (The President’s Council on …show more content…

Nonetheless, it is a new human life and the determination to destroy it and limit its use to scientific research for therapeutic ends compound further the moral issues rather than protect mankind. As such, cloning embryonic human life under any circumstance crosses an ethical line, takes an irrevocable step, from which science can never turn back (Reillly 's work (as cited in Robinson, 2013).
Again the opposition argument for cloning has deep religious ties, which in most beliefs is blatant act against God. The future will hold a certain sense of uncertainty, as the subject of cloning continues to be grossly divided. Can we find a middle ground that appeals to the masses? Only time will tell. So how can there be some sort of common foundation that will help to piece this issue together? One thing that must be assured is the use of this discovery should not affect who we are as humans. In order to insure this never happens, scientist must be held to the highest of standards, along with integrity and fortitude the will help build a lasting foundation for the