The Pros And Cons Of Animal Cloning

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Cloning is an idea that has been around for 100s of years, and has been envisioned in many different forms. Cloning is the production of a genetically identical cells, tissue or whole organisms. In 1996 the first mammal dolly the sheep call created by somatic cell nuclear transfer, proving that it is possible to clone whole organisms. Scientists would choose an individual with traits they deemed desirable. This can range from being an award winning show horse to someone's beloved pets. With the intention of creating a genetically identical individual which will display most of the same traits as its somatic cell donor. However due to environmental factors the cloned individual is not going to be exactly like its somatic cell donor. Cloning …show more content…

This is done by somatic cell nuclear transfer. During this process the genetic information from a somatic cell is removed (how) and inserted into an donor egg with is genetic material removed using a micropipette. Resulting in none of the egg donors DNA being apparent in the cloned individual. A electrical charge is then passed through the egg fuzzing the two together, like a zygote.(get more info on this).The embryo is inserted into a surrogate mother were it can divide like a normal zygote. Then carried out full term until the clone is born. This allows people to replicate identical animals which can be used in carrying through ideal genes parinings and helping suzanne endangered species. (get more …show more content…

This can help increase the chances of endangered species recovering and serving as a species. Scientists can take a individual with ideal genes which enabled it to survive better than less able members of its species. They can use reproductive cloning to produce multiple clone with the same genes, therefore increasing their chances of survival opposed to random genes trhough sextual reproduction that may not be as suited for survial. This will result in clones organisms increasing the population that will then be able to reproduce continuing the population. This is esbeshally important for species that reproduce cloning. As cloning will enble them to reproduce at a rate that will bring their population up. Cloming is a reletivly fast prosses as many offspring can be produced within one getation period. If the species is very near extention or extent and their are not enough organisms to carry about reproduction. Scientists can take a DNA and insert the clone into a organsim from another similar species as a surrogate mother. Until the species is big enough to reproduce itself. Theirfore allowig the species to survie were it overwise would have gone